Graduation is over and summer is beginning. @ the same time, its over cast and I'm bored at home nursing my rare hang over.

I have news. I'm quitting my job at Peet's. Great company, it means well i swear. It just wont be able to accommodate me in the event of me moving or moving up. I got scouted for the first time in my life. At an H & M for crying out loud. But it has turned out well. I'm becoming a floor leader at the new Sephora that is opening @ Bay Street in Emeryville. Exciting. Its like the mother ship has called me home and asked me to ride shotgun.

The logic behind such a move is the long run. Sephora as a company is in a very different place in life than Peets. its younger, its growing faster. Its gotten rid of the small business mentality and are more concentrated on growth. Thus more job opportunities for yours truly....nuff said