Its quite possibly the most enjoyable hobby that I have. If you you can call that a hobby I guess.
Over the past few years I have discovered that hookah has many elements involved. You have to have the right amount of water, good tobacco, the right coals and of course the appropriate company. Sometimes the company thing really doesn't come through. Sometimes you end up sitting on your couch, drinking an entire bottle of white wine while watching How I Met Your Mother. Its not so bad. Its actually like having a party in your face that you watch go by very very v-e-r-y slowly.
The head rush that you get from the hookah is unlike anything else. It is a sure thing after enough hits and a lot of very deep breaths. Its like a guaranteed good time and I plan on indulging in it over and over again for the rest of my life. If nothing else I can collect hookahs and keep them on the mantle of my house.... when the market gets better and I am able to buy one!