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Digging the new do! It's freeing and happy!
No I haven't not completed not one final! I'm hella cool!BUT I did get my hair cut for the first time in my life my hair is not able t
o be pulled back into a ponytail! I absolutely love it! Its fresh and modern and original all at the same time. I love the fact that Peter, the hairdresser, was so amazingly creative. we discussed a few ideas and the current problems that I have been having with my hair and he just went at it. snip snip snip! It took quite a bit of work being that my hair is so thick. Plus when you have hair like mine you aren't able to make a mistake and call it ok. because this mess does not grow back quickly. you make a mistake and the whole thing is done for. Thankfully he understood this and took his time. Matter a fact he actually blew my hair dry.. something that is seemingly impossible to me. Not only was it blown dry but it was straight and nice and manageable! :-) I'm quite happy with the non corporate hair cut that I received and I think this kid is amazing. He actually wants to work with my hair and use me as a hair model, since he based my cut on an idea and inspiration from a Vidal Sassoon ad..::sigh::
You know sometimes I wonder if teachers have a heart at all. i know that they think that their class is the best new thing since evaporated cane sugar but OMG. I have 3 papers due this Tues... not I dont have the best work ethic in the world...I dont have the best study habits.. but what I do have is instinct and the ability to BS like no other. I have these papers assigned to me this past tuesday with the hopes that they will be turned in on the following tues..why why why??is it too much to ask for to get some damn deadlines or to at least warn us that the final will be passes out on this day so prepare yourself. It snot even like I was able to take any sancitoned time off for this because i had no notice. no fair none at all. :-(